

So I had my son pick two numbers between one and seventeen (the amount of followers) and he chose the numbers that correlate with .......... #1 Grand Prize Winner - Megan Klauer!!! #2 Prize Winner - Kate, or Queen Kat, which I shall heretofore refer to her as...

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Here is a boy LO with flowers, pink AND bling! I think it works well with the houndstooth (October Afternoon) and the ...


Howdy All!  Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as I did!  It was stress-free and bliss-ful!  Wanted you all ...

Domestic Bliss Mini

This is a mini I put together to celebrate my new house I bought this year.I had some trials and tribulations through ...


Happy Holidays World!  I am going to give away a nice box of scrap goodies to one lucky follower this Christmas, so ...

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2010 Holiday Tags..much from The Story Matters kit here again. LOVE this kit. Various bits and pieces from my stash as ...

Hello! I am so excited that Christmas is just a week away! The spirit is palpable in my house, and I am loving every ...

This is a littll Graphic 45 Envelope Mini that I put together for my sister.  I am going to fill the pockets with ...